Time again for urban bioblitz!
City Nature Challenge has been steadily expanding its reach annually across the globe and getting more cities and public involved with cataloguing and being aware of urban biodiversity. This year, more than ever, there are 20 cities across Asia that are part of the international event! That is an amazing increase since we sat down with Shaun Martin and Hiromi Kobori (they are both still going strong this year unsurprisingly). It is a fun way to get families and hobbyists alike involved with environmental awareness.
With 2 days to go, when you are out and about, why not join in on the fun? It’s very easy! Take a photo of the flower, insect, or bird that you see on your stroll or as you go about your business and upload it to iNaturalist. That’s it. If you want to find out more about the subject of your photo, the system will intelligently give you an idea and the community would usually chime in. You may just discover new species in your urban surroundings!
Join one of the projects in these cities to get in on the action: