“Mosquito Alert” was on full display at the The InnoTech Expo 2017 recently. The event was held at Victoria Park, Hong Kong from 28 Jun to 2 July. The Chinese Foundation Secondary School, a partner in the HK citizen science project Zikathon, made mosquitoes one of the themes of the booth.

The public was taught to download the mobile application to report mosquitoes and their breeding sites and how mosquitoes are the vector of diseases like Dengue Fever and Zika. Visitors were also amazed by the very fine details of the mosquitoes specimen under the view of a stereomicroscope. Students demonstrated and educated the public on how a simple ovitrap can be set up even in the stall, fostering the notion that we can all help prevent mosquito breeding and therefore the related diseases. Moreover, it was a great demonstration of the development of citizen science in the region.

HK public gets hands-on with Mosquito Alert at InnoTech Expo was originally published in The CitizenScience.Asia Journal on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.