We are very proud to present the CitizenScience.Asia Leadership team who will develop the community in Asia and help citizen science thrive in the interest of raising scientific literacy & driving solutions towards Sustainable Development Goals as part of the Citizen Science Global Partnership initiative.
Chairs: Scott Edmunds, Mendel Wong
Secretary: Aaron Choi
Treasurer: Mendel Wong*
Education Directors: Dickson Ho, Vincent Chung
Engagement Directors: Yaela Golumbic, Mendel Wong*
Technology Directors: Krista Melgarejo, Mendel Wong*
Partnership Directors: Justine Tang, Feny Cosico
(Global) Elizabeth Tyson
(HK) Scott Edmunds*
(China) Aaron Choi*, Shan He
(Japan) Emu Miyashita
(Philippines) Krista Melgarejo
(Bangladesh) Tauseef Anwar
(India) Chicky Yadav
(Israel) Yaela Golumbic
We look forward to working with our communities and other regional networks to achieve these goals. If anyone in Asia is interested in lending a hand, there are plenty of opportunities, so please reach out!
CitizenScience.Asia Leadership was originally published in The CitizenScience.Asia Journal on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.