It’s a real privilege and pleasure to announce that CitizenScience.Asia is now a formally accredited NGO by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which has also granted us observer status for the UNEA (United Nations Environment Assembly).
Since the formation of the initial global citizen science delegation to partake in the inaugural Science Policy Business Forum in December 2017 – a special lead-in session preceding the Third UN Environment Assembly (UNEA3), CitizenScience.Asia has been actively involved with each UNEA through its contribution to the Citizen Science Global Partnership. In parallel, we have continued our mission in Asia to connect the citizen science communities of the region. A winning milestone included the highlighting of citizen science in the launch of the Asia UN Science Policy Business Forum in October 2021.

We are very grateful and proud to be recognized by the UNEP Civic Society Unit for our effort and work in Asia. For that, we are also thankful to all who have partnered or worked with us in the past. CitizenScience.Asia is about building connections, capacity and conversations to promote citizen science practices. We look forward to continuing our journey in 2023 to serve and grow our communities. The newly gained status, in addition to being a founding member organization of CSGP (Citizen Science Global Partnership), would put us in a better position to connect our community with the NGOs Major Group of UNEP.
The list of Accredited Organizations by UNEP can be found here – .
If you are a Citizen Science practitioner or coordinator of a project in Asia, please Contact Us or send an email to and we can explore how we may be able to work together. We would love to help promote your project(s) and connect you with our communities and UNEP.