A Call for Participation & Support
As Scott C Edmunds reported earlier this year in his fantastic write-up of our trip to Nairobi, a key accomplishment of our global citizen science delegation was the announcement for the formation of a global secretariat to coordinate and collaborate citizen science effort towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. I am happy to share that it has been building up momentum and taking shape as the Citizen Science Global Partnership.
With encouragement from the UN-Environment Programme (UNEP), community members outlined the parameters of a new network-of-networks with five initial goals:
- Become a valued partner and common point of entry for NGOs, governments, businesses, and scientific organizations seeking to understand and work with the global citizen science community.
- Network with and help support citizen science umbrella organizations, including the Citizen Science Association (CSA), the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA), emerging associations in other geographic regions, and related networks or communities.
- Network with and help support or manage consortia of citizen science projects conducting research around a specific topic of interest, such as the Global Mosquito Alert Consortium (GMAC) which was created to advance citizen science for mosquito- vector monitoring.
- Help catalogue, manage and share open and interoperable data for use in local-to- global research and decision-making.
- Understand and track the contributions of citizen science towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Managed by a steering committee with representatives from CSA, ECSA, and ACSA, working closely with advisory boards chaired by the Participatory Monitoring and Management Partnership (PMMP) and Global CEO Alliance (GCOA), the Global Partnership is now making a call for participation and support from the public at large.
As a regional network, CitizenScience.Asia continues to be a part of this amazing initiative and will take a lead in being the voice for Asia as we establish our community across the region. I am excited to work with our community members to establish key priorities and milestones that move the global agenda along.
The Global Partnership will also require a number of talented, passionate and committed individuals to work with the team on projects that demonstrate the value of the partnership so there is no better time to get involved and help make a difference!
Read the complete Call for Participation for detail.
What are you waiting for? There is a deadline of April 20th so act quickly!
Join the CitizenScience.Asia Community on Facebook or email for more information. I would love to hear from you.
Citizen Science Global Partnership (CSGP) was originally published in The CitizenScience.Asia Journal on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.