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Welcome to the CitizenScience.Asia portal.

Here are a few things we hope you find interesting to follow up on. We strive to keep you informed as a partner on your citizen science journey. Contact us if there is anything you may be looking for that is not here!

Welcome to the CitizenScience.Asia portal.

Here are a few things we hope you find interesting to follow up on. We strive to keep you informed as a partner on your citizen science journey. Contact us if there is anything you may be looking for that is not here!

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Enrolments are now open for our Term 1 2025 classes! These courses are perfect if you're a nature lover, an artist who wants to further their knowledge and skills or someone who wants to meet new people!

Check out our 2025 classes now! 🌿

#environment #paintingclasses #environmentalawareness #australianfauna #weaving #science #citsci #watercolourart #nature #arttherapy #canberra #brisbane #natureart #botanicalart #whatsoncanberra #natureartlab #education #drawing #illustration

Borboleta-coruja é o nome popular das borboletas que pertencem ao gênero Caligo (família Nymphalidae) e possuem em suas asas posteriores falsos olhos semelhantes ao olhos de coruja. 🦋🦉

Caligo, na mitologia greco-romana, é a personificação da escuridão. Estas borboletas despertam o nosso imaginário!

👉 arraste para o lado e conheça mais sobre estas lindas borboletas!

#borboletascapixabas #borboletasdobrasil #borboletas #butterflies #divulgaçãocientífica #scientificdivulgation #cienciaparticipativa #citizenscience #cienciacidadã

On This Day – November 12-13, 1833

The Leonid meteor storm lit up the night sky across the United States, astonishing those awake to witness as between 50,000 and 150,000 meteors fell each hour. Yale professor Denison Olmsted, eager to understand the phenomenon, wrote a letter to the New Haven Daily Herald, asking the public for any information about what they saw. Responses poured in from across the country, allowing Olmsted to crowdsource eyewitness accounts to study the meteor storm. His findings, published in 1834, marked an early example of citizen science, as Olmsted used everyday descriptions to advance our understanding of meteors.

#OnThisDay #LeonidMeteorStorm #1833 #History #Astronomy #CitizenScience #DenisonOlmsted #Meteors

Green Forester Moth (Adscita statices)

This shot is from way back in July and I honestly have no idea why I haven't posted it until now.. these have got to be some of my favorite native moths, their scales are just gorgeous!

📸: Fujifilm X-H2, Laowa 65mm f/2.8, flash with #cygnustechdiffuser

#greenforestermoth #forestermoth #moth #lepidoptera #insect #insectphotography #macrophotography #makrofotografie #cupoty #wholelottabugs #insectguru #fujifilmxh2 #fujixh2 #fujifilm #laowa65mm laowa.deutschland venuslaowa #laowa #macro #focusstacking #inaturalist #citizenscience

🌱 Et si votre connaissance du ter-ter ne se limitait plus à la surface ?

🧪 Approfondissez votre connaissance du quartier des Quatre Chemins avec le "living soils lab", un projet de sciences participatives sondant la qualité de nos sols urbains.

Sols récemment désartificialisés, en friche ou en agriculture urbaine, venez découvrir leurs histoires, leurs états et les services écosystémiques qu’ils nous offrent. 🌍💚

Prochains ateliers :
🪱 lundi 11 novembre à 15h au Square Anne Frank, Pantin
🪱 mercredi 13 novembre à 14h30 à Artagon, Pantin
🪱 samedi 16 novembre à 14h30 à la Friche 67, 67 avenue Edouard Vaillant, Pantin

Gratuit et ouvert à toutes et à tous, à partir de 10 ans

Ce projet bénéficie du soutien du programme impetus4cs.

#LivingSoilsLab #ScienceCitoyenne #SolsUrbains #RésilienceClimatique #Pantin #Citsci #CitizenScience

Any doctor who posts something like this has an Ego / Emotional Intelligence ratio of infinity ♾️. If someone cites a degree for THE reason they’re an authority… back away

P.S. This is no more or less true for the fact that it’s being posted by someone getting his second doctoral degree from Harvard… but it does make it funny 😆

#citizenscience #futureofmedicine

The ever variable Mottled Umber 🍁 Swipe to the last picture ti see how different they can look. You may think it’s a male/female difference but with this species the females are actually flightless, living on tree trunks/fence posts.
A few species are like this, and can look like two totally different moths…which makes IDs and absolute BLAST ✨ especially when you’re just starting out moth recording 😅 very beautiful moths though 🍁

Last weekend, 22 citizen scientists paddled along Takayna's rivers, surveying for endangered species like the Tasmanian Azure Kingfisher, that rely on waterways flowing through forests threatened by mining 🚣🏽‍♂️

Unlike its cousin from the mainland, the Tasmanian Azure Kingfisher is becoming alarmingly rare, with Takayna as one of its last strongholds 📉 The reason behind its population decline remains unknown, and the government is knowingly leaving this species in a blind spot.

By documenting and monitoring threatened species in at-risk areas, we are campaigning for their protection.

🦅 Many eagles were sighted over the weekend, and a new nest was found that will need to be protected.

Get involved! Stay tuned for the dates of our upcoming 'Summer of Swifties' citizen science project to find and record Swift Parrots in forests that are threatened by logging.

📸 2 – 4 by Rob Blakers

#CitizenScience #Takayna #SwiftParrots

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